Zylkene Capsules Product Review


Zylkene 225mg capsules

What does it claim to do?

Zylkene claims to reduce stress-related behaviors in some cats and dogs. It is marketed specifically for periods of high stress, such as for grooming appointments or moving into a new home. You can also use it for longer-term issues like anxiety and fear-based behaviors.

What is it made from?

Zylkene is a nutraceutical, which is a high quality supplement that is over the counter (no prescription needed) and is usually used for a therapeutic purpose (in this case, stress-reduction).

Zylkene is made from cow’s milk which has been processed into a powder and treated in such a way that the protein structure is broken into little tiny bits (hydrolyzed). I spoke with the company that makes Zylkene, and they confirmed that this product is safe for pets with food allergies, since the milk proteins would be too small for the immune system to recognize and react to. If you pet has severe food allergies, I would still check with your vet before trying it.

There are a bunch of studies that indicate that milk proteins can lower the stress-response in many mammals, including humans. The mechanism(s) that might explain why are currently being examined, but several different milk-based supplements are out there that make similar claims to Zylkene (including some designed for humans).

If you are interested in the science behind the use of milk proteins as a “functional” food, here is a good place to start.

How is it used?

Follow the dosing instructions. Usually one or more capsules are given to your pet once a day.  You can open the capsules and add the powder added directly to their food. I ordered the 225mg capsules, so my cat takes approximately 75mg or one-third of a capsule with breakfast every morning.

My experience with Zylkene…

I have been using this product for over a month with my cat MC, The Worst Cat in the World. My primary reason for using it is to reduce his anxiety and stress, especially in the evenings. He goes on hours-long rampages in the kitchen after dinner, every night. I was hoping this product would stop or at least lower the behavior a notch or two.

It has worked for me!

No, it does not make him a normal cat. He is still the Worst Cat in the World. But from the first day he started this supplement I have noticed a difference in his after-dinner behavior.

He still goes in the kitchen, gets on the counters and gets into stuff. He does it less, though, and he is much less frantic about the whole thing. Instead of two hours of tearing into the kitchen screaming at me, he spends 10 minutes checking things out. He might meow, but not the full-throated scream. I can calm him down with some pets and attention. That never worked before I started using Zylkene.

I believe that overall he seems a bit more relaxed. He does not seemed drugged or out-of-it or anything like that. It is a subtle but noticeable change. The effects seemed stronger the first week he was taking it, but even 5 weeks in I still see the results.

It is easy to give him, as I just mix the dose with his morning wet food. He doesn’t see it in there. I have not noticed any side effects.


Yes, I would recommend Zylkene for cats and dogs. It isn’t a miracle product and does not claim to be. It can’t turn a Cujo into a Lassie. But if your pet has problems with situational or general anxiety or stress, it might help. You can use Zylkene along with a pheromone-based product like Feliway or Adaptil for additional stress reduction. It can also be used in conjunction with behavioral medications. Always check with your vet if you are unsure.

But if your pet is reactive to situations or is overall just a stressed kind of furbaby, it is worth a try! I plan to use this product in all of my dogs for the 4th of July, and will update this review after that.

Where can you get it?

I ordered it off Amazon.com, though your local pet shop or vet may have it in stock.

Check out the manufacturer website here.

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