Pet Food Trends: History of Pet Foods

History of pet food

While dogs and humans have been coevolving for more than 15,000 years, commercial pet food has only been around for about 100 years. So what did dogs eat for the other 14,900 years? A little bit of ancient history Dogs in the distant past…

Pet Food Trends: Should you trust your Vet’s advice?

Pet food trends

There is probably no question about pets that is more loaded than the question of what pet food you should be feeding your dog or cat. In this series of posts, I am going to give you some facts and information to help you…

What is Fear Free Veterinary Medicine?

Fear free

There is a new trend in veterinary medicine called the Fear Free movement. These certified veterinary and animal professionals are changing the game when it comes to human-animal interactions. What is the Fear Free Movement? Do you have a pet that really hates going…

Introducing a New Pet- Part 3: Multi pet, Multi-species

Multi-species harmony

This is the final part of the three part series “Introducing a New Pet to the Household.” You can find Part 1: New Dogs here and Part 2: New Cats here. Do you love the multi-pet, multi-species lifestyle? Me too! There is nothing that makes me…

Introducing a new pet to your Tribe- Part 1: New Dog

New dog

It is almost summer, and this is a popular time for people to introduce new pets into the household. The next couple of posts will help you ease your new member into the family, and hopefully set you up for a happy pet tribe!…

Bad Pet Parent: We all have our fails

Bad pet parent

Perfecting the art of being a bad pet parent Are your pets past due for their annual exams and vaccines? Have you forgotten to give them their flea/tick/heartworm prevention…for a few months, or years? Is your pet overweight, maybe from all those extra treats…

Owner or Pet Parent: What title do you use?

Pet parent

Are you an owner, a pet parent or an in-home zoo keeper? While legally we are the owners of our pets, these days many of us use other terms in casual conversation. Fur Mama, Pet Parent and Animal Guardian are just a few options….

Get ready for the dog days of summer!

Dog days

This is the perfect time of year to get your dog ready for the summer adventures! It is almost time for the Dog Days of Summer! The weather is getting better, the sun is shining and you are hankering for those wonderful warm days…

Euthanasia: When it is time to say goodbye?


It is hard to think about euthanasia Maybe things have caught you off-guard, or perhaps you have been watching Fluffy slow down for years. You might have gotten some bad news at the vet, or you are watching from home wondering when you will…

Senior Pets are Hard; Sometimes Very Hard

Senior pets are hard

Depending on your situation, parenting senior pets can be really challenging. Not only do senior pets need more from us, physically, financially and emotionally, they age so much faster than we do that it usually takes us by surprise. One minute they are a…

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